Τμήμα Πολιτικής Επιστήμης


Πανεπιστήμιο Κρήτης

Σχολή Κοινωνικών Επιστημών

Τμήμα Πολιτικής Επιστήμης



University Of Crete

School of Social Sciences

Department of Political Science


Gerasimos Karoulas

Εmail: gkaroulas@uoc.gr

Phone: 2831077559

Office: 1st Floor, Social Science Building 

Contact Hours:

Monday: 14.30-16.30

Thursday 10.30-12.30

Gerasimos Karoulas is Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science of the University of Crete. He graduated from the same department, while he holds an MA (Political Communication) and a PhD (Political Sociology) from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. As adjunct lecturer he had taught at the Department of Political Science of the University of Crete, at the Department of Sociology of the University of the Aegean, at the Hellenic Open University and at the National School of Public Administration and Local Government, while he was post-doctoral researcher at the National Centre for Social Research. His main research interests are focused on the areas of political leadership, political representation and elites, political institutions, political change and democratization, political behavior and interest groups. He has published several articles on scientific journals, edited volumes and conference proceedings. He had worked for several social partners and research institutions. He was member of the administrative board of the Hellenic Political Science Association. 

  • Political Leadership
  • Political Elites
  • Political Representation
  • Political Change and Democratization
  • Political Behavior
  • Interest Groups
  • Political Behavior
  • Political Leadership and Political Elites
  • Political Representation and Political Personnel
  • Political Change and Democratization


  • Karoulas G., Poulakidakos S. (2022), “Elections and referenda during the crisis period in Greece: an analysis of the international officials’ statements in the Greek media”, Greek Political Science Review, 47 (under publication, November 2022).
  • Karoulas G., & Kakepaki M. (2022), Ministerial elites in Greece (2000-2019): between party, expertise and technocracy; The Greek Review of Social Research, 159, 57–90. https://doi.org/10.12681/grsr.30824 (in Greek).
  • Karoulas G. (2022), Political elites and power: form the Italian School of Elitism to the most contemporary theories, Athens: Propobos (in Greek).
  • Kaltsas S., Karoulas G., Karayiannis Y., Kountouri F. (2022), “The Political Discourse of the Church of Greece during Crisis: An Empirical Approach”, Religions 13(4), 273; https://doi.org/10.3390/rel13040273
  • Karoulas G. (2020), “Political Elites and Media in Greece: Publicity as an electoral factor for political personnel”, στο Karatzogianni Α. and Veneti A. (eds.) The Emerald Handbook of Digital Media in Greece: Journalism and Political Communication in Times of Crisis, Bingley: Emerald Publishing, pp. 259-274,   https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-83982-400-520201050
  • Karoulas G.. (2019), “Political tradition and political parties in Third Greek Republic: emerging, reproduction and evolution of political families during the period 1989-2012”, in Karayiannis Y. and Kanellopoulos K. (eds.) From Metapolitefsi to crisis: aspects and prospects of the Third Greek Republic, Athens: Hellenic Political Science Association (in Greek).
  • Karoulas, K. (2018). PASOK’s political elites in the Third Hellenic Republic: In between the party, state and society (?). In V. Asimakopoulos & C. Tassis (Eds.), PASOK 1974-2018. Political organization, ideological repositionings, governmental policies (pp.107-133). Gutenberg [in Greek].
  • Karoulas G., Poulakidakos S., (2016), “Greek political elites and political discourse in the era of crisis: between populism and “elitism”, Minutes of the 1st International Conference in Contemporary Social Science, Crete: University of Crete.
  • Poulakidakos S., Karoulas G. (2013) “Political elites and propaganda: The presentation of the MoU by the Greek parties, through the Greek TV news bulletins”, in: Pleios G. (eds) The Crisis and the Media. Athens: Papazisis (in Greek).