Τμήμα Πολιτικής Επιστήμης


Πανεπιστήμιο Κρήτης

Σχολή Κοινωνικών Επιστημών

Τμήμα Πολιτικής Επιστήμης



University Of Crete

School of Social Sciences

Department of Political Science


Nikolaos Papadakis

Εmail: papadakn@uoc.gr

Phone: 2831077561

Office: 1st Floor, Social Science Building 

Contact hours:

Thursday: 11:30-14:00

Friday: 11:30-13:00

Nikos E. Papadakis (ΒΑ, ΜΑ, ΜΑ, PhD) is Professor and former Head of the Department of Political Science, at the University of Crete. He is a Distinguished Visiting Professor at the AGEP of the Zhengzhou University (ZZU), China. Further, he is a Member of the Scientific Board of the National Centre of Public Administration and Local Government (EKDDA) of Greece, while he is the Director of the Centre for Training and Life Long Learning of the University of Crete (KEDIVIM- UoC). In addition, he is Honorary President of the Hellenic Association of Political Scientists (HAPSc), while he is a member of the Standing Group of the ECPR Political Culture Research Network. Additionally, he is the Director of the Centre for Political Research and Documentation (KEPET) at the Department of Political Science. He was a Special Adviser to the European Commission (2011 -2013) and he has participated the European Commission Education & Training Coordination Group (ETCG/2006-2010), as well as the Advisory Board of the UNDP/ RCPAR (Regional Centre for Public Administration Reform/ 2008- 2011) and the European Commission SGIB (Standing Group on Indicators & Benchmarks/ 2007- 2012). He has been a Visiting Professor at the UCL- IoE (March 2012- August 2012) and at the Zhengzhou University (ZZU), in China (November 2019). He participates External Evaluation Committees of the Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education of the Republic of Cyprus (DI.PA.E). Additionally, he cooperates with the ESRC- funded “LLAKES” Research Centre of the UCL-IoE, while he is an Affiliated Researcher at the Research Centre of the University of Piraeus.

He has studied at the University of Crete and at the IoE of the University of London (currently UCL- IoE). He has 222 publications, in total. More specifically: He has 198 publications (88 out of them, international), in Greek, English, French and Chinese, including journal articles, conference proceedings and book chapters. He is the author of 13 books- monographs, in Greek and English, while he has edited 11 books. He has (on June 12, 2024) 715 citations (h-index: 12) in Google Scholar. 288 presentations & Keynote Speeches in Conferences and Workshops and Invited Lectures in Greece and abroad (128 out of them, in International Conferences and Workshops, as well as in European and Asian Universities). He has participated (or currently participating) in 56 (mainly research) Projects in Greece and abroad, either as Team Leader or as researcher/ expert.

  • Public policies in Education and Training
  • Employment policies
  • Social Policy
  • European public policy
  • Multiculturalism and migration policy
  • Research Methodology
  • ΔΕΚΠ402 Public Policies in Education & Training
  • ΕΝΣΠ398 Special Issues of Social Policy
  • ΕΠΑΠ563 European Education Policy and Employment
  • ΕΠΠΠ585 Educational Policy and Employment Policies
  • ΠΜΚΠ137 Qualitative Methods in Social & Political Research