Τμήμα Πολιτικής Επιστήμης


Πανεπιστήμιο Κρήτης

Σχολή Κοινωνικών Επιστημών

Τμήμα Πολιτικής Επιστήμης



University Of Crete

School of Social Sciences

Department of Political Science


Yiannis Karayiannis

Εmail: ikarayiannis@uoc.gr

Phone : 2831077460

Office: Administration Building (ground floor)

Contact hours:

Wednesday 11:30-14:30

Thursday 11:30-14:30

Yiannis Karayiannis studied political science at the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens (Department of Political Science & Public Administration), where he also completed postgraduate studies (MSc “Political Science & Sociology”). He is a PhD holder at the same Department. His research interests include the political analysis and methodology; the study of the governmental practices and the exercise of power; the analysis of political discourse; the study of political communication; as well as the study of Greek politics.

He has taught at the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens (2005-2006 & 2008) and, as an adjunct lecturer at the Department of Political Science of the University of Crete (2010-2013), where he was elected as a lecturer in 2009 and is currently an associate professor. He has been active as a “Principal Postdoctoral Researcher” in the framework of the “PYTHAGORAS I” program (2004-2006), as well as in international (CNEP II &iii) and domestic research networks (“THALES” 2012-2015).  He is a reviewer and writes articles in scientific journals and participates in scientific conferences in Greece and abroad. He served as Treasurer (2004-2006) and Secretary General (2014-2016) on the Board of Directors of the “Hellenic Society for Political Science”, and participated in the establishment of the Thematic Network for the Analysis of Political Discourse (www.discourse-analysis.gr) under its auspices. During the period 2016-2018 he was a member of the Editorial Board of the scientific journal of the Hellenic Political Science Association (“Hellenic Review of Political Science”).

  • Political Analysis
  • Discourse Analysis
  • Power-Government
  • Political Communication
  • Greek Politics

Compulsory courses:

  • Greek Politics
  • Political Science II: Functional parameters

Compulsory elective courses:

  • Political Communication
  • Citizens, Identities, and Politics in Contemporary Greece


  • Populism and Elitism
  • Anti-Authorities
  • Political discourse and ideology
  • Governmentality

Inter-departmental courses of the Faculty of Social Sciences:

  • Discourse Analysis (co-teaching with Athina Skoulariki)
  • Propaganda (co-teaching with Athina Skoulariki)


  • Karayiannis, Y. (2023). Greek Politics (in Greek). Kallipos, Open Academic Textbooks. https://dx.doi.org/10.57713/kallipos-191.
  • Karayiannis, Y. (2021). PASOK and political discourse. Conceptualizations of populism, modernization, and socialism (in Greek). Nissos Publications.

 Books Editing:

  • Karayiannis, Y., & Kanellopoulos, K. (2019). From metapolitefsi to crisis. Aspects and perspectives of the Third Greek Republic (in Greek). Hellenic Association of Political Science.
  • Kallas, Y., Karayiannis, Y., Kondyli, D. (2008). Methodological issues and research infrastructures of the social sciences (in Greek). Potamos Publications.

 Chapters in collective volumes (selective publications):

  • Karayiannis, Y. (2021). Politics. Mass Media, and Democracy. A relationship to reconsider. In, The Hellenic Parliament Foundation for Parliamentarism and Democracy. Information and Democracy (pp. 117-130).
  • Karayiannis, Y., & Malkopoulou, A. (2019). Political Rhetoric in the Refugee Crisis in Greece. In, Roundree, C., & Tille, J. (Eds.). National Rhetoric in the Syrian Immigration Crisis: Victims, Frauds, and Floods. Michigan University Press (pp. 69-96).
  • Karayiannis, Y. (2019). Reflections on government and the exercise of power in post-junta Greece. In. Karayiannis, Y., & Kanellopoulos, K. (Eds.). From metapolitefsi to crisis. Aspects and perspectives of the Third Greek Republic (in Greek). Hellenic Association of Political Science (pp. 252-277).
  • Karayiannis, Y. (2016). Coexistence and segregation. Constituency’s size, and political representation. In, Kakepaki, M. (Ed.). The political representation in contemporary Greece. Characteristics and profile of the Hellenic Parliament (in Greek). Papazisis Publications (pp. 195-227).

Articles in scientific journals

  • Kaltsas, Sp., Karoulas, G., Karayiannis, Y., Kountouri, F. (2022). The Political Discourse of the Church of Greece during the Crisis: An Empirical Approach. Religions, 13:273. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel13040273.
  • Kakepaki, M., Karayiannis, Y. (2021). Ticket to Brussels. One-way or Return? Profiles and typology of Greek MEP’s, 1981-2019. The Greek Review of Social Research, 157: 157-181. https://doi.org/10.12681/grsr.27621.
  • Karayiannis, Y. (2015). The analysis of the power. Foucault, governmentality, and research challenges (in Greek). Greek Political Science Review, 43: 81-108. https://doi.org/10.12681/hpsa.14406.
  • Karayiannis, Y. (2007). Main parties and politics in contemporary Greece (in Greek). Greek Political Science Review, 29: 61-89. https://doi.org/10.12681/hpsa.14648.